Sunday, March 09, 2008


Where do I start? I was on a business trip in Frankfurt, Germany, for the last two weeks, where I found a sophisticated city with good restaurants, world class chocolate, culture, great fashion, and great yarn shops, of course!

I also discovered that one of the four colleagues traveling with me is also a knitter. YEA! A knitting buddy for two weeks. I didn't have to explain why I had to go back to the yarn stores several times!

We visited and bought yarn at


Wolle Model
Wolle Rodel

and Unikat.
Unikat, Frankfurt

The department store Galleria Kaufhof sells yarn, like some in the US used to.

Galleria Kaufhof

We also shopped at Wachterhauser, which I can best describe as a notions store. They had boat loads of buttons, thread, material, some knitting accessories, trimming, and purse handles.


We spent our evenings knitting at restaurants. We didn't get a second look from anyone. I didn't get the name of one of our favorite places. It had a row of orange plastic chairs that looked out on a small square so that everyone that walked by had an audience.

Cafe Knitting

I never got the name of the place.

Cafe Knitting

Cafe Knitting

I saw lots of metallic yarn, mostly brushed silver and bronze. The effect was very subtle and elegant. Gedifra, Lang, and Lana Grossa made most of the metallic yarn I liked the most. I bought some of course but not a lot because the dollar hit a new low against the Euro while we were there. Everything was almost impossibly expensive.

Cafe Knitting

Traveling Habu.

Y'all have been busy! Looking forward to catching up on your posts.


  1. Oohh I love your travels!! I need to figure out what you do! LOL

    Dang department stores used to sell yarn in the U.S.?? Intriguing!

    Cool place to knit @ nameless orange chair viewing ;op

    Have safe fun yarny travels!!!
    Thank goodness for your knitting buddy! ;op

  2. That sounds like an awesome trip--yarn shops?? Oh yes.

  3. Fun Ava!! I cannot believe how many shops you visited

  4. Ava!!!!
    You are having way too much fun..
    Germany is nice and the knitting shops (WOW) ,,I can relate to your experience in finding all those shops Hmmm.... I'm jealous..Have fun and enjoy.

    Ur fellow Texan
    urfriendlycomadre AKA Maria

  5. Ah, I am so glad that you had a great time in my home town. I never heard of the store "Unikat" - I will have to check it out.

    The cafe you were sitting in and knitting away is called "Kunstverein"




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