Thursday, April 23, 2009

YPF: Sheep Yarn Shop Company

This is spinning up better than I thought it would. It's lustrous and I'm able to draft it easily. The only problem seems to be that the spindle I'm using isn't heavy enough. I have another, but I need to re-attach the hook at the top. I plan to buy another at Maryland Sheep and Wool next weekend. Are you going?




I attended a reception at the Italian Embassy a few weeks ago. The architect drew inspiration for this stunning building's design from the landscape of Washington and the austere lines of old Tuscan villas.

Italian Embassy

The interior is thoroughly modern.


Italian Embassy


Ambassador Giovanni Castellaneta made a few remarks and took questions.

Italian Embassy

He was asked if he blamed the US for the financial crisis as do many Europeans. He said that he sees the current financial crisis a trade imbalance issue. Clever answer.


  1. Can't tell you are having some problem with that spindle as you are right it is coming out realy nice!

    Have fun at MDS&W!!

    Ha! He was ready for that question! ;o)

  2. while some of us are having real life experiences with italians, others have to make due with watching Under the Tuscan Sun over and over...

    thanks for the pictures!



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